BooXkeeping Featured on The Multiplier Mindset Podcast

max emma, ceo of booxkeeping featured on multiplier mindset podcast

We are thrilled to share that our CEO, Max Emma, was recently featured on The Multiplier Mindset Podcast, hosted by Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach and author of “10X is Easier Than 2X.” In a riveting episode titled From Bankruptcy to Business Triumph,” Max shared his inspiring journey from a young immigrant facing challenges in a new country to becoming the CEO of an international bookkeeping franchise.

Nearly three decades ago, Max and his family arrived in the United States from the former Soviet Union. Max turned potential setbacks into stepping stones for success through resilience and a steadfast commitment to his goals. Today, BooXkeeping is a prominent bookkeeping franchise with operations across the U.S., Europe, and the Philippines, and it is poised for further expansion in South America.

Key Highlights from Max’s Interview on The Multiplier Mindset Podcast:

  • Learning English Innovatively: Max discusses the unique methods he employed to master English, emphasizing the critical role language plays in entrepreneurial success.
  • Resilience Post-Bankruptcy: Listeners will find motivation in how Max bounced back from financial lows to chart a course for business success.
  • Global Expansion Insights: Discover the strategic reasons behind BooXkeeping’s expansion beyond American borders.
  • Napkin Business Plan: Max recounts drafting his initial business plan on a napkin in just four hours—a testament to swift, decisive action in business.
  • Impact of Strategic Coaching: His involvement with The Strategic Coach® Program catalyzed significant growth, underscoring the value of coaching and mentorship.
  • Evolving Business Focus: Max reveals how his business focus areas have shifted, highlighting the importance of adaptability.
  • Journaling for Entrepreneurs: Max underscores the significance of journaling as a tool for clarity and decision-making in business.

Looking Ahead:

Max shared his optimism about the growing ties between North America and South America, projecting them as a significant growth opportunity for the next quarter-century. As BooXkeeping continues to thrive and expand, we remain dedicated to empowering our franchisees and clients through exceptional bookkeeping services and innovative business practices.

Listeners can also look forward to gaining insights on effective time management strategies for entrepreneurs, as well as the importance of recognizing and bridging gaps in business and personal growth.

For more details on Max’s insights and to listen to the full podcast episode, visit:




About BooXkeeping Franchise:

BooXkeeping simplifies bookkeeping for small to medium-sized businesses by providing exceptional services through our nationwide network of franchisees. Our mission is to redefine traditional bookkeeping practices to support and enhance the businesses of our clients.

Stay tuned to our blog for more news, updates, and insights from our team at BooXkeeping and BooXkeeping Franchise!

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